Society, Politics, and Economy in Modern Turkey: Sociology of Turkey - Maintained by Tugrul Keskin
We are at a point in our work when we can no longer ignore empires and the imperial context in our studies. (p. 5)
― Edward W. Said, Culture and Imperialism

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Cavit Orhan Tütengil: A Turkish Sociologist - (1921 – December 7, 1979)

He was born in Sebil, a village of Tarsus, in Mersin province of Turkey. Following his primary education in his hometown, he attended Haydarpaşa High school in Istanbul finishing in 1940. Tütengil studied philosophy at Istanbul University and graduated with a degree in 1944.  Between 1944 and 1953, Tütengil served as a high school teacher for philosophy in Antalya and Diyarbakır, and worked in village institutes as well.  In 1953, Cavit Orhan Tütengil started his academic career by entering Faculty of Economics at Istanbul University as an assistant for sociology. He conducted his Ph.D. research on "Political and Economic Opinions of Montesquieu", which won him the 1957 Science Award of the Turkish Language Association. He became an associate professor in 1960, and from 1970 on, he served as professor. In 1962, the Turkish Ministry of National Education sent him to England for two years. He was one of the most original Turkish sociologists. His basic field of interest focused on development sociology. To his opinion, Turkey is a transition country and the compass should be Atatürk's thoughts. Having excellent command of Turkish language, he wrote his Kemalist opinions in his column in the leftist newspaper Cumhuriyet for many years.

  • Köy Enstitüsü Üzerine Düşünceler (Opinions on Village Institutes) (1948)
  • Ziya Gökalp Bibliyoğrafisi (Bibliography of Ziya Gökalp) (1949)
  • Prens Sebahattin (Prince Sebahattin) (1954)
  • Montesquieu'nün Siyasi ve İktisadi Fikirleri (Political and Economic Opinions of Montesquieu) (1954)
  • Ziya Gökalp Üzerine Notlar (Notes on Ziya Gökalp) (1956)
  • İçtimai ve İktisadi Bakımdan Türkiye'nin Kara Yolları (Highways of Turkey in Sociological and Economical Perspective) (1961)
  • Köyden Şehire Göç Meselesi (Migration From Rural to Urban) (1963)
  • Dr. Rıza Nur Üzerine (On Dr. Rıza Nur) (1965)
  • Diyarbakır Basını ve Bölge Gazeteciliğimiz (Press in Diyarbakır and Regional Journalism) (1966)
  • Azgelişmiş Ülkelerin Toplumsal Yapısı (Sociological Structure of Underdeveloped Countries) (1966)
  • Köy Sorunu ve Gençlik (Rural Problem and Youth) (1967)
  • Ağrı Dağındaki Horoz (The Cock on Mount Ararat) (1968)
  • İngiltere'de Türk Gazetecilği (Turkish Journalism in England) (1969)
  • Türkiye'de Köy Sorunu (Rural Problem in Turkey) (1969)
  • Sosyalbilimlerde Araştırma ve Metod (Research and Methodology in Sociology) (1969)
  • Azgelişmenin Sosyolojisi (Sociology of Underdevelopment) (1970)
  • 100 Soruda Kırsal Türkiye'nin Yapısı (Structure of Rural Turkey in 100 Questions) (1975)
  • Temeldeki Çatlak (Crack in the Base) (1975)
  • Atatürkü Anlamak ve Tamamlamak (To Understand and Accomplish Atatürk) (1975)
  • Prens Lütfullah Dosyası (Prince Lütfullah File) (together with Vedat Günyol) (1977)

1 comment:

  1. 15. yılına giren Aratos dergisi olarak bu yıl Cumhuriyet döneminin ilk sosyologlarından olan Prof. Cavit Orhan Tütengil adına bir sosyoloji araştırmaları sempozyumu başlatıyoruz.
    Başta sosyoloji olmak üzere akademi ve akademi dışından bildiriyle katılabilecek daha çok geniş bir çevreye ulaşmak istiyoruz.

    Ekte yer alan Prof. Dr. Cavit Orhan Tütengil Sosyoloji Araştırmaları Sempozyumu bilgileri ve şartnameyi kendi çevrenizde duyurmanız konusunda yardımınızı rica ediyoruz.

    Uğur Pişmanlık
    Aratos dergisi yayın yönetmeni

    0533 723 47 89
